Creation Office


Decoration, Repairs & Alterations.

Giving Your Office a

New Style

If you are getting ready to leave your commercially leased premises, there’s always work to be done to restore it to its original condition. It’s like getting any paintwork scratches or dents repaired before you hand back a company lease car.

Creation Office

With a building though it can be a more complex business so it’s important to fully understand the terms of your lease agreement to know how liable you are for dilapidation costs. Often companies don’t realise the implications until after they have left a property, which can lead to unexpected, costly repair bills. It is the tenant’s responsibility to be aware of the terms set out in the tenancy, not the landlords so it’s always good to have it at the back of your mind.

Keeping the property in good condition throughout your tenancy will of course help keep the amount of work needed down as well as keeping repair costs low. Over time though general wear and tear will usually mean some work is required. We can help with all aspects of this, including:

  • Decoration

  • Repairs

  • Alterations – to return the workspace back to its original state/layout

Services we provide


Washroom Upgrades


We will help you understand the documents associated with a dilapidation known as ‘schedule of dilapidation’, ‘a quantified demand’, ‘a scott schedule’ and ‘a dilapidation protocol,’ and work with you to carry out the repairs/maintenance needed to restore the premises to its original condition.

Our team works with both landlords/ladies and tenants to deliver a solution suitable for all – providing complete peace of mind as well as our fantastic service.

Creation Office Dilapidations

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